One of the primary benefits of buying new ducts, a new furnace or an upgraded cooling system is that they typically come with a warranty. This means that you won’t be responsible for paying for some or all repairs related to a product defect. However, it’s possible to void your warranty either by taking action or by refusing to take action in a timely manner.

1. You Tried to Install the System Yourself

Perhaps the easiest way to void the warranty on an HVAC component is to try to install it yourself. It’s also not a good idea to have your friend down the street or anyone else who isn’t certified put in a new furnace or air conditioner on your behalf. Even if the installation work is done properly, the manufacturer needs to be sure that proper protocols were followed before paying for future repairs.

Therefore, it’s critical that your HVAC components are installed by someone who is licensed to do so. In most cases, the technician sent to your house will be able to competently work on products from a variety of brands.

2. You Fail to Perform Regular Maintenance

At a minimum, you should have your HVAC system serviced at least once a year. An annual inspection makes it possible to catch minor issues before they cause serious damage to your furnace, cooling system or ductwork. Furthermore, during your annual service, you should have ducts, heating system and cooling system components cleaned.

Doing so can remove dust, dirt or other debris that could clog or otherwise force parts to work harder than they need to. You may also want to have air filters replaced during an annual cleaning to further prevent your HVAC system from being overworked. Ignoring routine maintenance may result in a voided warranty and the need to pay for repairs yourself.

3. You Tried to Make Repairs Yourself

Attempting to make repairs on your own is typically a recipe for disaster. This is because it’s unlikely that you have the time, tools and knowledge needed to fix whatever ails your HVAC system in a timely and safe manner.

In addition, simply making repairs on your own could be grounds for voiding your warranty. This might be true even if you use the right parts and otherwise do a good job taking care of any issues.

Of course, if you don’t fix the issue successfully, you’ll still need to call a professional to bail you out. Unfortunately, you may be stuck paying some or all of the repair bill when it would have been covered if you simply called a professional at the beginning of the process.

4. You’ve Kept Poor Records

Another easy way to void your warranty is to keep confusing, thin or nonexistent records. A lack of records makes it impossible to verify that a defect was caused by the manufacturer as opposed to your own negligence. It can also be difficult to determine if the problem occurred within the warranty period itself.

Ultimately, you’ll want to document everything that you do to keep your heating and cooling systems intact. In most cases, a professional who works on your furnace or air conditioner will write the date of each service on your furnace or other items that were repaired or cleaned. You should also receive an invoice with the date that any service was completed.

It’s also important to keep a copy of your bill of sale to verify that you actually own the component involved in the warranty claim. Ideally, you will keep these records in a safe place that isn’t likely to be impacted by flood, fire or other types of damage. It may also be a good idea to keep both digital and physical copies of important documents to avoid accidentally voiding your warranty or service guarantee.

5. Components Were Moved

Moving a furnace or condenser unit from its original location may be enough to void your warranty for a couple of reasons. First, there is no guarantee that it was installed in its new location correctly. Second, there is no guarantee that the HVAC components that were moved were relocated to an area where they can function properly.

If you do want to move a furnace, ducts or other components as part of a home remodel, you’re encouraged to contact the manufacturer for more information. If your current furnace or other HVAC system components are more than a few years old, it might make sense to replace them as opposed to trying to relocate them and worry about warranty issues.

6. You Need to Use the HVAC System for Approved Purposes

Let’s say that you accidentally installed a system that was intended for commercial use in your home. In such a scenario, it’s unlikely that your home’s ducts or other components are capable of handling the amount of power that a commercial unit can generate.

Ultimately, there is a good chance that using the wrong system could cause damage to your unit or to your home. In either scenario, it’s unlikely that a warranty claim would be honored because you didn’t use something that was rated for residential use.

Although this may be an extreme example, there are other ways in which you might use your HVAC system in an unapproved manner. For instance, it may be a problem if you attempted to use your air conditioner during a cold night or ran your furnace 24 hours a day for several weeks straight without ever shutting it off.

These would also be examples of using HVAC components in ways that unnecessarily strain them to the point of becoming defective. Your owner manual should tell you when it’s too cold to use your cooling system or how long your furnace should cycle when working properly.

7. You Fail Need to Register with the Manufacturer

When you buy an HVAC component, you’ll likely receive a pamphlet with instructions on how it should be installed, operated and maintained. In that packet, you may also receive instructions as to how to register the product with the manufacturer.

While you may not want to take several minutes out of your day to do so, it shouldn’t be considered a trivial matter. Instead, it could be the difference between having a future warranty claim honored or denied.

The registration process can typically be done online either on your computer or smartphone. There will also likely be a phone number that you can call or a form that you can mail in. You’ll typically have anywhere from 10 to 30 days after the product is installed to complete this step.

Call the Professionals Today

If you are in the market for HVAC repair services in Vacaville, CA, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Cozy Home Services today! We can also perform indoor air quality assessments, clean shower, sink or main drains and take other steps to help keep your home functioning properly throughout the year.