Dual-fuel systems are becoming more popular among heating and cooling solutions. When homeowners choose this type of system, a professional installs both a furnace and a heat pump at their home. Professionals refer to this arrangement as a dual-fuel system because the furnace runs on gas or oil, while the heat pump is powered by electricity. You may want to consider this type of HVAC system for several reasons.

1. Energy Efficiency

Dual-fuel systems are highly efficient. In the summer, the heat pump offers cooling equivalent to the most energy-efficient air conditioners. Their advantage over traditional cooling systems is that they can also provide heating. This is possible because they have a reversing valve that allows them to switch to heating mode.

Heat pumps are more efficient during mild spring and fall temperatures than fossil fuel-burning heating systems. However, they become increasingly inefficient as temperatures drop below 40 degrees. The reason for this is simple. It becomes more difficult for them to extract heat energy from frigid outdoor air and transfer it to your home, increasing their electricity use. To solve this issue, homeowners add a gas or oil furnace. While a heat pump will always be less costly to run when the weather is above 40 degrees, a furnace becomes cheaper to operate when temperatures dip. A duel-fuel system allows you to take advantage of a heat pump during the times of the year when the system is most efficient to reduce energy costs. When it gets too cold out, your furnace takes over.

2. Reliability

A dual-fuel system offers reliable performance. A heat pump may not be able to produce enough heat to keep your house comfortable during the extreme cold in winter. Manufacturers include a heat strip in most heat pumps to augment the unit’s heating performance to solve this issue. However, when the heat strip is engaged, a heat pump becomes as expensive to run as a traditional electric heating system. Additionally, even with this boost, they still may not heat your home adequately.

On the other hand, furnaces can easily heat your home even during the most extreme temperatures. The outdoor temperature does not affect their heating performance like it does with a heat pump. This automatic backup system ensures that your home remains warm and comfortable, regardless of how cold it gets during the winter in Vacaville, CA.

4. Defrays Installation Costs

Investing in a dual-fuel system can be quite costly upfront but leads to significant cost savings in the long run. They operate efficiently, leading to lower utility bills. The automatic switching between the furnace and heat pump optimizes energy usage. This way, the system ensures you use the most cost-effective option during a particular weather condition. Over time, your savings can offset the initial investment.

5. Longevity

In a Dual-fuel system, the heat pump and furnace operate less over the course of the year because they share the workload of heating your home. This reduced workload decreases wear and tear on a single unit, resulting in a longer lifespan for the two heat sources. A dual-fuel system may be the answer if you’re looking for a long-term heating and cooling solution.

6. Peace of Mind

You can have peace of mind knowing that the furnace will remain functional in case there’s a power outage. The furnace is also a reliable backup when the heat pump’s heating capacity is outweighed during extreme cold weather. You can rest assured that your household will remain comfortable throughout the year.

7. Environmental Sustainability

If you’re environmentally conscious, a dual system provides a sustainable heating and cooling solution. Using an energy-efficient heat pump and a clean burning furnace significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional heating methods. The reduced carbon footprint contributes to a greener home and global efforts to combat climate change. A dual-fuel system allows you to reduce your carbon footprint.

Other Considerations

Installing a new HVAC system is an expensive proposition. There are several considerations to make before you make a final decision.

Your Home’s Heating and Cooling Needs

Depending on the size and layout of your home, you need an effective system. Heat pumps are most efficient for small and medium-sized homes. If your home is more extensive, traditional central air conditioning paired with a furnace may be a better option. Consulting a professional can give you insight into whether a dual-fuel system will reduce your energy costs and provide optimal comfort.

Selecting the Best HVAC Company to Install Your New System

Choosing a quality HVAC company to install a duel-fuel system is essential. They will recommend models of heat pumps and furnaces that work well with each other. They will also be able to install them so that switching between units is flawless and optimizes energy use.

Check Their Professional Standards

Knowing their professional standards is good practice when selecting a heating and cooling company. You should choose a company that strictly complies with legal requirements. You can tell a company follows good ethics by observing how they interact with you during your first inquiry. Focus on how they answer your questions and if they offer more information instead of direct answers with no regard as to whether you’ve understood. A reliable service provider will ask whether you have further questions, and they’ll invite you to their facility for an in-depth interaction. If you’re not impressed with how they deal with inquiries, you can move on to the next company.

Ask for an Overview of Their Services

When selecting an installer, you want a provider that will also maintain your heating and cooling system. Given the price tag associated with a dual-fuel system, it is reasonable to expect your relationship with the company to extend beyond the initial installation. In addition, it is a good idea to inquire about warranties covering the heat pump, furnace, and the installer’s work. It is essential to know what will happen if your system fails due to defects in the equipment or how the professionals installed it.

Ask for Service Quotes from Different Companies

Before making your final decision, ask for quotes from at least three different companies. Compare their service offerings and prices and choose the most appealing one. While the cheapest quote might be tempting upfront, a company that charges more but offers comprehensive services and guarantees may be a better choice in the long term.

HVAC Services in Vacaville, CA

At Cozy Home Services, our certified and credentialed HVAC technicians have been serving the residents of Vacaville, CA and the surrounding areas for years. We install, maintain, and repair heating and cooling systems. In addition, we provide indoor air quality, electrical, and plumbing services. We would also like to invite you to join one of our maintenance plans. Members receive annual tune-ups to ensure their heating and cooling systems always operate at their peak performance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert technicians.