Having concerns about the indoor air quality of your Walnut Creek, CA, home is worth your time and attention. You probably spend more time in your house than you do anywhere else. So, your home air quality affects you every day. Breathing in contaminants like dust, mold, or household chemicals can harm your health.
If you suspect your indoor air isn’t as clean as you’d like, Cozy Home Services has indoor air quality services that can help. We have various testing methods that allow us to evaluate the quality of the air in your home.
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You can’t always see or smell indoor pollution. This means you possibly have exposure to toxins and don’t even realize it. Some signs of exposure to unhealthy air include fatigue, constant allergy symptoms, or instances of more serious health issues like asthma.
Clean indoor air is better for your health. You’re more likely to have fewer health problems, find it easier to focus, and have more energy. So, if you’re experiencing unexplainable health problems, you can benefit from home air quality testing from Cozy Home Services.
There are several other signs that can lead to indoor air pollution:
Tobacco smoker in the home
Visible mold growth
Heavy outdoor pollution nearby
Pets in the home
Your cooking habits can also affect the quality of your air. For example, cooking with a gas stove has the potential to release toxins into your air. This is because gas stoves burn natural gas or propane to produce a flame. This can also release harmful substances like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and tiny particles that might irritate your lungs. It’s more likely to become a problem if your house has poor ventilation. Therefore, Cozy Home Services suggests making a carbon monoxide detector part of your efforts to get better air quality.
We care about our customers. That’s why we’re serious about helping you get the best possible indoor air quality. At Cozy Home Services, we’re proud of our reputation as a reliable company that provides excellent service. Our indoor air technicians have the equipment, skills, and knowledge to evaluate the cleanliness of your air. After our evaluation, we’ll inform you about your home air quality and give you options for making improvements.
Are you interested in discussing ways to improve your indoor air quality in Walnut Creek? Contact Cozy Home Services today and give your lungs the clean air that they deserve.